News PhotoACTIVE

PhotoACTIVE Nano Coating
PhotoACTIVE is a last generation, long-lasting sanitizing solution. Through light-activated oxidation–reduction reactions, PhotoACTIVE generates reactive hydroxyl radicals that act on the lipid membrane of viruses and bacteria to degrade it. As opposed to conventional, aggressive chemical products, PhotoACTIVE does not merely kill viruses and bacteria, but rather decomposes them into gaseous substances, producing CO2 and water vapor.
- • Efficient against SARS-CoV-2
- • 12 months of continuous sanitation
- • Eliminates VOCs, NOx and SOx
- • Eliminates odors and helps sanitize the air
- • ISO 14476 and EN 1276 standards
- • Hydrophilic and self cleaning
- • Cost effective
- • Environmentally friendly

PhotoACTIVE protects them !

Some examples of customers

Machines à sous, roulettes et tables de poker sont protégées grâce à PhotoACTIVE.C'est en Suisse, à Crans Mont

Que vous aimiez pédaler, courir, soulever de la fonte, ramer, seul ou en cours collectif, c'est maintenant en toute

HP Formation est un organisme certifié et agréé intervenant dans de nombreux domaines de formation touchant à la

Société suisse spécialisée dans la chimie et l'agroalimentaire, Syngenta est issue de la fusion des divisions ag

Le Musée de La Poste est consacré à l'histoire postale et à la philatélie française et le musée d'entreprise

Innovation Excellence
Multi rewarded solution
Technological solutions for the future.
Leader in nanotechnologies using liquid semiconductors, PhotoACTIVE protects your everyday items while keeping users safe and improving their quality of life. There is a large range of commercially available PhotoACTIVE products, and many ways they can be used by the industry. Please contact us and we will be happy to put our experience at your service.
A unique long-lasting antiviral solution designed to protect all types of high-touch surfaces.
Putting nanotechnology at the service of the glass industry.
A unique long-lasting antiviral solution designed to protect all types of high-touch surfaces.
A unique long-lasting antiviral solution designed to protect all types of high-touch surfaces.
The importance of keeping surfaces sanitized at all times
At a temperature of 20°C, SARS-Cov-2 (the virus responsible for Covid-19) can survive for up to 28 days on inert surfaces such as glass or metal, and up to 14 days on textiles (such as cotton).

Fecal bacteria can be found on 72% of shopping cart handles – half of which are E-coli bacteria.

Did you know that the rotavirus – the virus that causes gastroenteritis – can survive on a hard surface, such as a subway pole, for up to 60 days?

WHO estimates that 1,4 million people contracted healthcare-associated infections in 2017.